Why to solve the take-back with us?
We keep paperwork to a minimum. We solve everything online
If you struggle with something, we will help you
We handle all contact with government for you
Registrační formulář výrobce nebo dovozce
Zastupujete obec nebo provozujete sběrné místo? Prosím, kontaktujte nás na slaba@ekolamp.cz.
It's easy, we'll handle most of it!
Fill in the simple contact form
You find a registration form on the czech page that is quick and easy to fill in and submit
We will prepare a contract for you within 2 working days
We will be happy to help you fill in a more detailed registration form and then send you a draft contract to be signed
We will process your information within the next 3 days
We will confirm the contract from our side and apply for the registration of the manufacturer at the Czech Ministry of Environment
You will receive data for entering the information system
We will send the data to your contact e-mail, thanks to which you will gain access to the information system
Within 30 days (typically within a week), the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic will assign a manufacturer's registration number
and we will send you a Certificate that certifies your participation in the collective system
With us, you will get Sustainable Company certificate, which

- certifies your participation in the take-back system
- it will make it easier for you to communicate with authorities, banks and other institutions