Mandatory published data

This is data whose publication is required by the End-of-Life Products Act No. 542/2020 Coll.

Current structure of ownership

LEDVANCE GmbH 3.3335 %
LEDVANCE s.r.o. 30 %
Signify Commercial Czech Republic s.r.o. 30 %
Signify Holding B.V. 3.3335 %
Tungsram Operations Kft. 33.333 %
Celkem 100 %

Members of the bodies of the compliance scheme operator

Tomáš Rychetský
Tomasz Waszkiewicz
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Roman Ostertág
Member of the Supervisory Board
József Zoltán Pilter
Member of the Supervisory Board

Information on the selection procedure of persons providing services in the field of disposal of end-of-life products.

EKOLAMP selects contractual partners in accordance with internal guidelines
