In particular, these are the obligations:
Enrollment in the List of Electrical Equipment Manufacturers maintained by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
According to the law, every manufacturer and importer is obliged to register/enroll in the List of Electrical Equipment Manufacturers, which is maintained by the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic. Subjects are registered either individually or within a collective system, such as the Ekolamp system.
Obligations connected to placing electrical equipment on the market
Manufacturers must produce products in such a way as to facilitate their disassembly and use, they must also prevent the content of heavy metals, polybrominated biphenyls and diphenyl ethers in the products, and last but not least, they must not forget the correct labeling of the products.
Ensuring and financing the collection and processing of end-of-life electrical equipment
According to the current legislation of the Czech Republic, all manufacturers and importers must directly or indirectly ensure the collection, transport and recycling of end-of-life or no longer used electrical equipment and also finance this activity.

Information obligations
The End-of-Life Products Act also mandates the obligation to inform the end user. The purpose of the information and education activities is to change consumer behaviour with the aim of increasing the involvement of end users in electrical equipment take-back systems and achieving the highest possible take-back level.
Annual preparation of an annual report on the fulfillment of obligations for the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Manufacturers and importers are also required to prepare a so-called annual report on the fulfillment of obligations once a year. In the prescribed form, they inform the Ministry whether and how they fulfill their legal obligations regarding the collection and recycling of electrical equipment. The annual report is prepared and submitted annually by Ekolamp on behalf of its participants.
Ensuring the established quotas for the collection and use of e-waste
The law determines how much electrical equipment must be taken back, as well as the percentage of material recovery from electrical waste.

Participating in a collective system represents the most economical and ecological way to fulfill obligations..
For its participants, the EKOLAMP collective system will ensure all obligations (except for the obligations associated with placing electric devices on the market).

Obligation to display a visible recycling fee (from 1/1/2021)
This obligation means that the buyer (i.e. distributor, final seller, consumer) must be informed of the amount of the recycling fee that the producer pays to the compliance scheme. This information must be separate from the price of the product, preferably shown on the receipt (for example like VAT is shown). The amount of the recycling fee will no longer be hidden in the price of the product (until 31/12/2020). The amount of the stated recycling fee must be the same (invariable) throughout the supply-customer chain, i.e. neither the distributor nor the last seller can arbitrarily increase this fee.

On the documents, it is necessary to indicate the term recycling fee, which is the only correct term. This is really a recycling fee of individual participants, not a tax or another type of payment.